The Smart Factory provides all the information about the product manufacturing process whenever and where it’s needed throughout the manufacturing supply chain and product life cycle. Smart Factory is a broad manufacturing category with the expectation of optimizing the manufacturing process. Smart Factory is a process of using computer controls, big data and automatic design to improve production efficiency and support to utilize advanced information and manufacturing technology that facilitates flexibility in automated processes to overcome dynamic and global markets.
ACS Group is incorporated in the SMART FACTORY program for the following months to participate in different places such as Cikarang, Tangerang and Karawang. The theme of the event was “INDUSTRI 4.0” which was intended to provide knowledge to the participants who attended about safe product updates, as well as increasing competitiveness in their fields. This event was held thanks to a collaboration between ACS Group together with APTIKNAS (National Information and Communication Technology Entrepreneurs Association) and several other vendors.
That was the topic presented by ACS Group at the SMART FACTORY event in December 2018 ago about RFID Technology which has a big role for the future of Smart Factories which provides real time communication with manufacturing systems. And in 2019 in January at the Grand Soll Marina Hotel Tangerang and in February at the Novotel Kerawang Barat Hotel, ACS Group gave the topic of Nutanix as a product solution that provides Cloud Enterprise services that help users get benefits and productivity such as public cloud, at a cost more affordable and more secure control systems. It seems that it can be seen by the company team as long as it is more concerned with managing the server, now it can shift its focus to other things to help accelerate the company’s business.